Host a Music Salon With Groupmuse

Your home music salon thanks to Groupmuse

I am in awe of music salon hosts. They really know the right people – artists and willing patrons – to pull off such an event, especially since these events are undermarketed. The only reason I know of them is due to Jim Eninger’s chamber music newsletter.

The good news is that you and I can be salon music hosts thanks to Groupmuse. Groupmuse is a network of musicians, fans and hosts. The great news is that 1) there is no fee for you to host an event, 2) Groupmuse finds you available (and compatible) local musicians for your times/preferences, 3) Groupmuse markets the event to a local community of classical music fans and 4) The musicians get paid – Groupmuse collects $10 from attendees who sign up. Of course, additional contributions to the musicians are always appreciated.

If you’re not ready to host, you can sign up as an attendee. Attendees receive weekly emails on the upcoming Groupmuse salons.

I am overjoyed because this removes objections that our friends may have about attending classical music events. There is no long commute, no parking fees, no need to dress up, free food/drinks (depending on who supplies what) and a relaxing home atmosphere.

The other benefit with Groupmuse: we get to meet other like-minded souls in our community. Anybody who knows me has heard my complaint that the Internet has turned people into shut-ins. Life is so much more enriching when you experience great things with other people, especially the arts. And when you experience the arts, the arts will live a lot longer!

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