The Hilbert Museum’s GIFTED Exhibition is Awesome and has a Great Story!

Return of The Prodigal by Francis De Ederly. C. 1950

And I almost skipped it! I thought, how interesting could a collection from a high school be? Very interesting, as it turns out. Those Gardena students had great taste and a fantastic supply of local artists! Also interesting is how the collection was amassed, lost, found, restored and made its debut at The Hilbert Museum.

Act One by Ruth L. Osgood. C. 1955

The full story is best captured by Laura Bleiberg, an arts journalist I admire and follow, and Mary Platt, Director of The Hilbert Museum.

Don’t be like me. Don’t risk missing this exhibit. GIFTED: Collecting the Art of California at Gardena High School, 1919 – 1956 is on view until October 19, 2019. Admission is free.

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